Do you have limited or no visibility into third-party controls performed by operational teams?
Ensuring effective monitoring of your third parties throughout the business relationship is a challenge?
Are you often facing late payments or payment errors?
Experienced fraud or cyber-attacks, you are not 100% sure of the reliability of your payment processes?
third-party risks
payment processes
with your teams
Sensitive and fallible, payment control processes are at risk. Increase payment process security with Trustpair to prevent payment errors and the risk of B2B Payment Fraud.
Keeping up to date and complying with all regulations related to payment processes is complex. Have visibility on the controls performed and keep track of the actions taken by the teams in accordance with the legal requirements.
The treasurer is not the only one to deal with payment security issues: operational teams and manager are also involved. Trustpair simplifies collaboration between teams for a better follow-up of actions.
Each functionality is unique on our platform, discover in detail each module that corresponds to the needs of financial teams.