Embed systematic account validations in SAP ERP and SAP Ariba

Benefit from all the value of Trustpair’s platform within your ERP and Procurement system thanks to the SAP certified S4/Hana and SAP Ariba connectors.
connecteur natif trustpair pour sap

Save time

on third party account validation


Prevent fraud risk

with secure payments


Certified connectors for

SAP ECC6, S/4Hana, ans SAP ARIBA


Proceed to instant and international account validation in SAP

Trusptair natively integrates account validations within SAP ERP (ECC6 and S4/Hana) and SAP Ariba.

The certified SAP connector enables you to simplify your process by smartly filling in the blank, enriching your third party data and delivering a binary risk assessment within your system.

You identify whether the binary risk assessment of your third party is favourable or unfavourable. Without the need for an external tool or person, you have all the cards in hand to pay your third party safely.


Be notified when vendors are at risk in SAP

Trustpair’s SAP certified connector brings you the value of continuously monitoring your Vendor database.

Within your ERP, you will have access to a 360° view of your vendor database in which you can filter, classify and select your third parties. You will also have access to a detailed, readable and intuitive third party detail file for each of them.

This connector between Trustpair and your SAP tools (ERP ECC6, SAP S4/Hana and SAP ARIBA) also allows you to be warned by email when a third party is identified as being at risk in your database.

connecteur natif trustpair pour sap

Certified Trustpair for SAP connectors

Our SAP consultants will support you in your your process. Their expertise in your business applications and our detailed documentation will allow a quick and frictionless implementation of the native connector Trustpair for SAP.

Technical requirements:

Start protecting your company from payment fraud today!

“With Trustpair’s verification methodology, it’s no longer just a consistency check but an exact confirmation of the validity of the third party: there is no longer any risk.”
Michele Bruno
CFO and Treasurer
“With Trustpair, we are able to automatically and quickly monitor our third parties and ensure the security of that very data over the long term.”
Joffrey Tabouret
Treasury Manager
LeasePlan France
“Trustpair gives us more reliability and peace of mind. The financial director is more serene when it comes to approving the transfer order.”
Malika Benfares
Treasury Manager
Sade Telecom
The collaboration between Keys Asset Management and Trustpair is a win-win: the more we master our tool, the more it ensures a secure Procure-to-Pay processes, from start to finish.
Fabrice Meunier
Administrative and Financial Manager
Keys Asset Management

Find all our features

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