Secure payments via a simple platform

As a specialist in wireline, wireless and electrical networks, Sade Telecom meets all its clients’ needs in terms of network construction, operation and maintenance.
Building and construction
Paris, France

Automating bank details checks and improving the reliability of Vendor Master Files to guarantee secure payment processes.


Automating bank details checks and improving the reliability of Vendor Master Files to guarantee secure payment processes.


More confidence and security for teams during payment processes, and a 100% automated control process.

Context and issue
  • Three months prior to the arrival of Malika Benfares, the group received a request for change of bank details by post from a well-known supplier. Payments were subsequently made to this account. But when they received a late payment reminder only three weeks later, the teams realized they had been the victim of B2B payment fraud.
  • A chargeback claim was made to the bank but the company still suffered significant financial losses. Following this experience, Sade Telecom decided to review the security of its payment processes.
  • During the implementation of the Allmybanks (Exalog) treasury system in early 2021, the project manager suggested calling upon a service provider specialising in bank details checks. After assessing the various players on the market, Sade Telecom opted for the Trustpair platform, a comprehensive solution that meets their specific needs.
Trustpair is a very easy to install, deploy and use platform. All it takes is one link to access the interface and initiate a check. Trustpair’s teams are always available and offer comprehensive support. This is a huge plus, and very much appreciated!
Malika Benfares
Head of Treasury and Consolidation

A gain in confidence and performance for the teams

Following the fraud attempt, it was urgent to reassure the teams and provide them with a tool capable of checking bank details to better verify third party data. In just 72 hours, the group’s employees had access to the Trustpair platform to initiate their first bank details checks.

Sade Telecom finance teams have transitioned from manual, time-consuming and fallible checks at the beginning of the Procure-to-Pay process to 100% automated verifications. The team is sure that third-party bank details have been properly checked within the platform, and Trustpair provides Reliable Audit Trails to continuously monitor the checks carried out.

Today, about twenty people use Trustpair on a daily basis. The Sade Telecom teams emphasize the quality and responsiveness of the daily support they receive from Customer Success Manager Mathilde Cottard.

More stories await

Dive into our comprehensive resources to deepen your understanding of vendor payment fraud, cybersecurity, and the transformative power of Trustpair.

4 min

Securing your vendor databases directly from Oracle

Large-scale distribution
4 min

Optimize the vendor master file and optimize data reliability

Food and beverage
4 min

Getting to 0 fraud and 100% efficiency

Webinar: 2025 Fraud Trends and Insights